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 anne elliot
















a c a d e m i c ..q u a l i f i c a t i o n sgraduation photo

Diploma in Fashion Design, Hellerup Tilskærerskole, Copenhagen, 1969

BA (Equivalent), University of Copenhagen, 1973

Diploma in Teaching, Dunedin College of Education, 1978

Graduate Diploma (DipGrad), University of Otago, 1997

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (PGDA), University of Otago, 1999

Master of Education (MEd), with distinction, University of Otago, 2002


w o r k ..e x p e r i e n c e

1978-79 primary teaching, Strath Taieri School, Middlemarch  class photo
1980-81 booking clerk (and office manager of sorts), Port Cassafière, , France (also Tourist Office)
1981-82 travel clerk, , London
1987-96  primary teaching, Strath Taieri School, Middlemarch
1997 RT (resource teacher physical disability), Forbury School, Dunedin 
1997-98 web design work, School of Education, University of Otago 
1998-99 research assistant, School of Education, University of Otago 
1999-2001 teaching fellow, School of Education, University of Otago
2003 lecturer, Dunedin College of Education  


p u b l i c a t i o n s

Elliot, A. (1996). Integrating a topic with juniors using slideshow. Computers in New Zealand Schools, (8)2.

Elliot, A. (1997). Can CMC address barriers to learning in isolated rural primary schools? Computers in New Zealand Schools, 9(2).

Elliot, A. (1999). Internet use in schools: Legal and ethical issues. In K. W. Lai (ed.), Net-working: teaching, learning & professional development with the Internet (p.179-202). Dunedin: University of Otago Press.

Lai, K.W., Elliot, A. & Trewern, A. (2000). Ethical use of computers in New Zealand schools: A preliminary study.

Elliot, A. (2000). Creating an Internet-based Information Network for Rural Women. Computers in New Zealand Schools 12(1): 41-44, 48.

Elliot, A. (2001). The wired school: Legal, social and ethical issues. In K. W. Lai (ed.), e-Learning: Teaching and Professional Development with the Internet (p.155-181). Dunedin: University of Otago Press.

Elliot, A. (2001). Children and Internet Safety: What are the issues? Childrenz Issues, 5(2).


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