Country and City Contacts Centenial A & P Show Dance

Middlemarch 14 April 2001

Country and City Contacts' home on the Web:

How it all began - the story of organising for love and romance in Middlemarch...

 The Bachelor of the Strath Taieri Competition

Unbelievable but true story: Pete (the impossible pet sheep) 'Shows Us'
By Liz Keast of 'Potted History' fame

Marque up and ready!

Marque up and ready!

The night before...

The night before

Getting acquainted

Getting acquainted...

Dance practice

Dance Practice

Practice for what??

Practice for what??


Love Train is here

 Pog 'n' Scroggin Bush Band

Pog 'n' Scroggin Bush Band


Dance till you drop


15 April 2001: (Otago Daily Times)

16 April 2001: (Otago Daily Times)

16 April 2001: After midnight: romance in Middlemarch (New Zealand Herald)
A night of mixed success spelt frustration for some but instant rapport for others.

16 April 2001: (Otago Daily Times)

16 April 2001: (Otago Daily Times)

17 April 2001: (Otago Daily Times)

19 April 2001: Modern men in polished gumboots revealed (

19 April 2001: Modern manners (Editorial, Otago Daily Times featured on

5 may 2001: Romance in air after Middlemarch dance (INL - National News)

8 May 2001: (Otago Daily Times)

8 May 2001: Desperate dancing (

13 May 2001: Girls save last dance for city boys (INL - National News)

11 Jun 2001: Nervous wait for 'stars' (Otago Daily Times)


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